
100 Up in the Air

"Up in the Air", 2009
逆に、たとえそう見えなくても、以前と同じことをしていても、人生が変わる瞬間が描かれなくても、彼は本当は大きく変わったのかもしれません。それはそれで素晴らしいことです。"l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux" 「大切なものは、目に見えない」というサン=テグジュペリの言葉を思い出します。
Thanks for your support for this blog and A Happy New Year!


99 Reindeer goes to island

So I went to an island, taking airplane, train, bus, cab, and boat. It's a resort island where people from various countries come to enjoy modern arts and fine architecutres, but in the middle of winter it is a quiet and tranquil place.

Sometimes we are asked "which do you prefer sea or mountain?" Everytime I answer that I take mountain because I like green woods and find no specific reason to like sea. But I got to know why people love sea. It's an infinite open space.

The island is famous for concrete architectures by Tadao Ando. Concrete wall, concrete floor, conrete ceiling, concrete stairs, concrete corridor, concrete everything. Even though I adore modernism I imagined that it might be like a prison cell.

No! it was beyond my imagination. Concrete is such an interesting material. It gives the richest effect to the architecture. It shows dramatically opposite expressions like ---massive but light, dark but light, cool but warm, heavy but smooth, solid but gentle, solemn but modern, all over grey but transparent as if it fades into the air and doesn't exist. I thought a city of concrete building that most of the modernism architect in 20th century dreamed would be possible if this material is properly used.

Thankful to the experience and discovery, I'm thinking I'll set next course to Chicago, Helsinki, Paris, Honolulu...


98 Travelista

I gave up my original plan to attend my friends' wedding party because of my job. So I hardly could believe that I was told by my boss to take Christmas holidays. On that moment I came up with these destination list.

A city that I've been wishing to visit for a long time. Legendary skyscrapers and streets that I'm familiar with through Craig Rice's works (ex. Michigan Avenue, State Street, Columbus Drive, LaSalle Street. When I read Martin Beck, the streets in Stockholm seem somehow so familiar to me as well.) It might sound odd but I admire Chicago streets where humor and irony live with, and the sky where Mies van der Rohe rose and Michael "air" Jordan flew.
Nordic countries always fascinate me with its highest sense of modern design. Staying in Copenhagen years ago I felt happy and comfortable as if I returned to home. My interest in Finland lies not in Moomintroll but in the context of the country which raised its culture between Sweden and Russia. And I'm sure I can find nice cozy cafe in all around Helsinki.
There's no need to describe Paris in your own word. "The most beautiful city in the world," those common words were all I could feel when seeing Paris. Forever will it be so. Paris is the miraculous city where you can be a part of its beauty. I always wonder why Paris is so special and was chosen to be a center of aesthetics in the world's history.
Although I gave up my plan I didin't lose my passion for visiting Hawaii for the first time. As a perfect tourlist my imagination keeps flying over the heavenly beach and the blue pacific ocean, from a dolphin watching to a tropical version of Christmas tree, and Waikiki sunset. It's lucky that we have places on earth that make us still dream.
My first journey was London simply because I liked Brit Rock when I was a kid. Now grown up, certainly I get more reasons to visit London again. I'd just quote from my favorite holiday movie "Love Actually" in which the UK Prime minister challenges to the President of U.S. with a funny objection; "We may be a small country, but a country of Shakespeare, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter"---well, none of them from London.
I didn't remember why this idea came up. I knew little about Luxembourg. I didn't know its location, its language, history, culture, politics, food, art, and legacy. But when I happen to know the nation, a rich and small nation in a geographic center of Europe, a center of European finance, and a monarchy with a symbol of red wild lion, I don't know why but Luxembourg firmly captured my interest.
Monte Carlo
Even if I cannot afford watching F1 race or casino games among billionaires I can see the country where Grace Kelly spent her life leaving all her Hollywood success behind. That's it? Yes, I think people should travel a lot with such easygoing purpose. In fact, might it not be enough if one can see the marvelous blue sea of Cote d'Azur?

In fact, I didn't chose any of these destination. Where to go then? The answer will be my next #99 post.


97 Macchiato

A week ago I was assigned to an urgent project. Limited time, limited team as usual. After enormous discussion and struggle to find a reasonable goal I finished presentaion documents. It worked. Our team has passed the first trial of a hard negotiation that we will continue to face.

This is just the beginning so it's not time for a winning smile---but it is, for the merry Espresso Macchiato. It tells my joy better than my words.

"Macchiato" means "mark" in Italian. Yes I've surely started with good mark!


96 Twist and Out






95 Lighting

a street in Copenhagen, early morning, December






94 Clubbing

I believe this theme is perfectly wrong to talk about after my statement of "being a little bit healthier". Staying up all night, in a dark closed room, with smoke and alcohol---I like none of them. Still I sometimes go there because once I saw a perfect moment in clubbing.

It was a kid, a littel girl. A kid? In a club? I thought, and so did everyone. But soon we were amazed by her perfect coolness. She showed no interest in drunken and smoking adults around her. She seemed so plain, clean and chic. She was standing there alone just to dance to enjoy music.

I remember people praised her for its almost dignified manner. I don't know if she was a daughter of a famous DJ or a club manager, or just a youngest guest. What drew my attention was a fact that she knew how to enjoy music in clubbing better than anyone else in the room.

To me the image of the kid is like a symbol of clubbing. Maybe I go to club just to find out if I could be the one who really enjoy music like her.


93 Cure



仕事柄、疲労やストレスには事欠かないとはいえ、あまり誉められた話でもありません。誕生日にかこつけていうなら、「今後はもうすこし健康になる」と宣言してみてもよい頃です。 面倒がりでも続けられそうな、最も単純で手軽で(しかも無料の)健康法をしばらく試すべきかもしれない、と考えています。




92 Birthday

November 12, 2010, today's my birthday (As my readers might kindly remember this is also Grace Kelly's 81th birthday!)
I do not especially favor parties or gatherings, and I was determined not to plan to make others congratulate me.
So let it be. Let it happen, I thought.
It happened. From the beginning of the day I got many messages and cheers, photos and cards. My boss urged me to leave office early and go for a drink. My fellow worker presented me a huge moca cake with candle on it (funny thing is the shop staff misspelled my unusual birth name so I couldn't help laughing)
To be honest I don't know what is so special about birthday. We celebrate Christmas because Jesus is great. But we are not. Nevertheless, birthday is an anniversary when you can know that your relationships with people around you is so great.
Thank you so much.


91 Owlcity

"Incredible. What am I doing here?"(Adam Young in Owlcity)

いささか内省的で夢見がちできれいな曲で聴かせるOwlcityのライブに行ってきました。友人のおかげで直前リハーサルにsneak inできたのですが、そこには曲のイメージ通り、いかにも寡黙でナイーヴそうなミュージシャンがいました。



 "Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs."
 "Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future..."
 "...but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living Force."

 (from Star Wars episode I)



90 Word

"Even if we cannot meet, just the thought that you are here back in town do please me."

One of my old friend in hometown sent this message when I tried to meet but failed. These words are the most hearty one of those recently adderessed to me.


89 Blog #2








88 Blog

Dear Readers,

I started this place on new year's eve. I do not intend to achieve anything in this little blog but always be happy to keep it. I usually focus on how enjoyably, not how many, I write. But I decided to challenge 100 posts by the day of the next new year's eve, meaning I will write 11 posts within 2 months and 2 weeks. No problem. And I also promise to retain sincere interest towards subjects I pick up, and my standard of quality of pics and texts.

Cordially thankful to you all for your encouragement,

Reindeer Records

87 Kids are Alright









86 Art

Nabeshima ware, a precious gift to power people of past era, tells a standard of what art should be, and could be.

i) art is beautiful.

Don't argue that it's a matter of course. Today there seems to be many of them which is praised not by its beauty but eccentricity. Then what is beauty? Simple. When the colour, shape, design and pattern is beautiful, it's beautiful. No need to be ambiguous.

ii) art is perfect.

Those splendid dish makers and designers must have been unyielding. They would spend as much time and effort as possible to achieve a perfect goal which never be truly reached, and in this tireless journey to perfection we will see the "Idea".

iii) art is proud.

We know artist is a human. Even if a work of art seems like a gift from heaven, the artist is dedicated to human kind, not to God. (God is to inspire them, not to order them.) Artist has reason to stand out to be admired by power people and common world. Besides these pride what else do they need to be motivated?

iv) art is unbreakable.

This is not the definition of art. But the fact Nabeshima ware was actually used to serve its own purpose is enlightening. Art in life or life in art, I should say. Such a great thing is you can put them into dish-washer and they might never broke!


85 English









84 Scapula







83 Tweet-y

Previously (in the post no.82) I was chilling out with a noble and sublime idea about life. I turned round to find everyone had also wonderful time with coffee... no, with their familiar gadgets.

I don't remember from what time we were perfectly accustomed to the fact that modern people cannot live without mobile phone. People were handling and monitoring their machines while keeping conversation with their fellows. Tweeting, I guess.

Email allows us to "get back later" or "send whenever you like" but Twitter asks you "What's happening now?" Some might say it's an epoch-making device for sharing someone's wisdom at the moment it's uttered. I don't think so. It's funny because no one cares how absurd your words may be. I might tweet like "buy milk and bagle" or "gotta get up at 5am next morning, jeez."

It's rubbish.

But I sense it enjoyable. It's a nice simple exercise of writing in 140 words. And when it's uttered, it's becoming more like a communication of wildlife catching the fellow's roaring, growling or tweeting, which tell their situation and location. The problem is modern life is not so lively enough to release every monologue.


82 Chill out

Chilling out at my favorite Starbucks terrace in one September evening I felt that summer has actually turned to autumn though it seemed hard to believe. To see the real huge things such as seasons and weathers or just a daily course of sunrise and sunset is to know things do change. Troubles are not easily solved but will turn to the next stage and never be the same.


81 Dentist




先日Financial Timesに「よちよち歩きの幼児と優れたCEOの共通点」について愉快なコラムがありました。子供は知恵も経験もなしに、彼らなりに本能的に周りの小さな世界をマネージしているということでしょうか。



80 Fire, Beer and the Skytree

At last our endless summer found it's way to exit. I don't miss it, but this summer gave me a nice little journey of boarding a ship over the Sumida river.

On the river bank I got warm welcome by these...ah, strange buildings. I might hardly believe that these are real architectures unless I myself shot this photo. They look like toys, which surely is a fine example of bold trials in creation.

But if I dare to challenge M.Starck with positive criticism...

One thing that troubles me is I can't see the golden thing as "fire". Imagine the sun, the star of burning fire, and if you draw the sun you will naturally paint it mixture of strong brilliant yellow, whitish yellow and vivid yellowish orange. Never gold. And why this great fire need to be laid down? It looks as if it's fading away before the wind. So rise!

Wait a minute, isn't it wonderful if the "Beer" headquarters office is instead crowned with the fire and the "Fire" hall is reversely designed as symbolic beer mug?

Now you see the famous Skytree at the left. Tree without branch. Tree without leaf. Oh! but if...


79 Super Funny Furry Animals


"Hey, what are you lookin' at?"

This is 24-second-super-funny-animals. Really funny.

78 Horseback Riding






77 Simon Boccanegra

Verdi's "Simon Boccanegra" at the Metropolitan Opera House.

If you want to reach a genuine joy and excitement of art, one way is definitely to see the opera. This summer I came to believe it when I saw "Der Rosenkavalier", "Simon Boccanegra" and "Hamlet". Especially "Simon" was a perfect masterpiece.

Opera gives you a real art. No.1 the incredible singing voice. No.2 absolutly beautiful music. No.3 dramatic (sometimes too dramatic) story and script. No.4 elaborate costumes and stage. No.5 great act to play the dramatic role. No.6 highly-studious opera singers. No.7 the set of all these things.

You can just relax and sit back to enjoy them.

After all it's the voice. The voice given to a very very few people as a gift. In Simon, Placido Domindo's title role is so striking and deeply emotional that it created in me an unforgettable image of tragic king of Genova.

After all it's the music. Verdi's is magical.

After all it's the singers. They're not the celebrity-actors and actresses but rather the ever-challenging student of the music and act.

Frankly I don't like too much supernatural tragedy in opera like killing everyone on the stage, sacrifice for the love or young lady going mad. But Simon is a realistic drama of policits, war, conspiracy and separation of a family.

Realistic, but full of passion. (I think the energy in just one stage of opera is far beyond richer than mine in one year or two.)

Just take a look at Domingo on marvelous stage like Rembrandt's picture.


76 Review on Review

Cloudberry Jam "Providing the Atmosphere" (1996)

スウェーデンのグループの中では知名度はほどほど,とはいえこのクラウドベリージャムは音楽性の高さ,センスの良さは抜群で,フレッシュさとのびやかさがありながら同時に大人の鑑賞に耐える確かな力量を持っている。 」









監督(&主演)のジャック・タチは,せりふよりも集団のパフォーマンスと,妙にのどかなどたばたギャグで微妙な笑いを生み出します。その笑いはひっきりなしで休む間もないけれど,押し付けがましくはない淡々とした笑い。ジャック・タチの映画が唯一無二の個性をもつことを,納得できます。 」

UKロックのblur "Think Tank"には

「大人っぽく,一段とヨーロッパ的に,しかも中近東の音色を入れつつ,ときにすごくいいメロディを聴かせてくれます。自在に変化する才覚と,抜群のセンスの良さ,というblur音楽の魅力をまた実感。 」



Harry Potterの一作目には

「ひとつひとつのセリフ,情景描写,心理描写,笑いとホラーが混在するセンスにわくわくしてしまい,辞書を引くのも面倒なほどです(少しくらい分からない単語があっても気にせずに読めます。というより続きが気になって仕方がないので,辞書で中断するのが惜しいくらいなのです)。 」


「各建築家の講演を記録したものなので,すべて話し言葉で書かれている。そのため,内容が難しい部分でも比較的読みやすく,論点についてじっくり考えることができる。 コルビュジエに対する建築論のアプローチは,今なお多様であることがもっとも強く印象に残る。」



75 Henry, the black-nosed cleaner

It happened like this.

I spent hard days in 2008 summer, caused by job circumstances, by subprime mortgage crisis ruling the financial industry.

I was too sad to enjoy shooting photo for a month or two. Then I met "Henry" in my old college when I was taking a walk around. He sat in a newly built, glass curtain wall office.

"Hey, isn't it too lovely for a college apparatus?" I thought, and I took this photo.
I remember the moment this lovely thing spurred me on to my camera. Shooting to me is like an instinct. When I really get interested or attratced to something, it will be a good photo (if I keep concentrating). When the object itself is less interesting, I naturally search for an angle, lightning or form which could turn it interesting. Taking photo is an attitude.

So I was happy that Henry could bring back a positive attitude to me. After I shoot this, things were getting brighter.

I wish I can always find "Henry" when I get sad and forget the attitude.

note: "Henry" is an UK made high-grade vacuum cleaner.


74 "Perception"






一体この映画、どうオチをつけるつもりなのかと観客が呆れてこないうちに、万事都合よく元の世界へのつながりを発見。たとえば、もともと色彩のない透明な水とか、そういうものを手掛かりに。無事に戻れただけで別にいいのに、自分の不思議な体験を作品にして発表して大成功しちゃうとか、そのおかげで以前別れた恋人が戻ってきたとか、そんなエンディングも適当に加えてTHE END。



73 Question Mark

You see sometimes the clouds really looks like something. This time I saw a perfect "?" in the sky. The reason I post this photo is not because I'm talking about the weather but because I'm feeling many "?" right now. I'm in a kind of problem; "How long does the situation continue?" or "Which is the way out?"

Question is severe. But Question Mark is funny. Being in a hard days, I never get tired of finding humors.


72 Jar Opener







71 cf. post #70

If you have already read #70 post, please take a look at it.
If not, please read #70 first and come back here after.
This is Grace Kelly's one of the most famous portrait by Howell Conant.

70 Grace Kelly

"Grace Kelly", 1984 by Andy Warhol.

Stunning, beautiful talented and graceful Grace Kelly fascinated me recently. Actually I was fascinated with her since I was born, because, my birthday is the same with hers.

She is famous with its "cool beauty", but people probably know that doesn't mean she was not warm. We know her best with photos by Mr. Howell Conant, her trustful friend. I like his photos of Grace very much. In his book she is described as "sensual, funny and strikingly attractive all at once", and "natural and unpretentious". Maybe words never be enough to praise her but if I add one more, I think she was always honest and faithful. Honest to the camera, to her images which was taken, in the photo, or in the movies. I just think her magnetic eyes could always tell the truth and never lied to her feelings.

Andy Warhol's Grace Kelly seems to convey her iconic cool-and-chic image but (though I don't know about Andy Warhol much and the meaning behind this work) I still have in my mind that her honesty never fade, and her eyes are true to her fresh and lively humanity.


69 Breakfast at G




68 Vintage Year

So this is really a vintage year for good news. Few weeks ago I wrote about 6 friends' marriages and soon I've got more. This is fantastic. If I am a winemaker, I'd say this is vintage year.

Of all the happy people, an old friend of mine invites me to fly across the Pacific to attend her wedding ceremony. Wonderful! This is just new to me. Seems to be a vintage year for myself, too.

Again heartiest congratulations and best wishes for 10 couples around me!


67 One Fine Day

意外な楽しみは、夏にクリスマスソングを聴くこと。"Sleigh Ride"や"The Christmas Song(Merry Christmas to You)"などオーソドックスな定番を。名曲は季節を問わず心地よいし、南半球に行った気になれるかもしれないし、ハッピーな気分で夏の鬱陶しさを忘れます。


65 Adele encore!

"Les Aventures Extraordinaires d'Adele Blanc-Sec"

Je ne sais pas comment dire mon sentiment en francais mais Je voudrais dire justement "J'adore!"


64 Master

This used to be the office of our master of investment banking business.





63 Love Actually is all around

I noticed that I have done only 3 posts this June. That's the worst record since I've started this blog (even in April when I hardly had a time to breathe, 7 posts were updated.)

I know the reasons of my laziness;

1. I had an operation on my eye, and don't feel like working with PC monitor very much.
2. I was busy and happy to send message to my friends who got married during this few weeks.

It seems this is a record year, as I've got letters of marriage from this March to June more than ever!

A schoolmate at university who became a charming doctor,
A friend at french language school who is an excellent secretary,
2 of my ex-colleagues who always cheered me up,
A friend of my part-time job at design studio years ago who share the true fever for the Beatles,
and A classmate of elementary school whom I still remember well.

I realized that love actually is all around me. I do wish to deliver my sincere congratulations to these happy brides and grooms!!


62 From Fake Plastic Tree to the Joshua Tree 

「クリスマスツリーはほとんどFake Tree」と先日書いた時、Radioheadの有名な曲、"Fake Plastic Trees"が浮かびました。 あまり歌のタイトルになりそうにない言葉だったり、意味がよくわからないのに、その言葉でしか表わせないものを鋭く言い当てている、そういう曲名が好きです。想像力を掻き立てられるからです。 なぜか英国や欧州のロックバンドに多い気がするのです。

Oasisの "Champagne Supernova"

Coldplayの "The Scientist"

The Beatlesの "Help!"

Underworldの "Beaucoup Fish"


 "Stay(far away, so close!)"

 "Where the Streets Have No Name"
 "Sunday Bloody Sunday"
 "With or Without You"
 "City of Blinding Lights"

 "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
from "The Joshua Tree", 1987



61 Star Alliance

このReindeer Recordsブログを立ち上げる前、ためしにStar Allianceという名のブログを作っていました。名前はもちろん世界一の航空ネットワークから。名前もロゴも、ジェット機のペイントもとにかく全てがかっこよくて、ただそれだけです。でもいくら好きでもブログのタイトルに拝借するのもちょっと気が引けて、またReindeer Recordsといういい名前を思いついたこともあって、このブログは公開しませんでした(サイトは残していて、”今日のMichael Jordan名言”とか、面白いガジェットの保管場所と化しています)

世界有数のブランド企業の名前って、どうやって決まるのかと思います。Star Allianceはこのグローバル(文字通り!)企業体のイメージをこれ以上ないくらい現しているし、言葉の響きの良さも格別です。



60 Lilac

One of my, and my mom's favorite, lilac.

Flowers and trees grow forever so they seem a little bit bigger than the last time you see them. Street lamp never grow up, so they seem a little little little bit smaller than before.
Sometimes I feel that living plants, not the architectures, are actually creating the city. If you don't feel so, then think, in what time of the year your city is most cheerful, bright and energetic? Of course it's CHRISTMAS when people rush to settle thousands of trees all around the world. (you may say almost all the christmas trees are fake, but it doesn't matter.)


59 Green Light




58 Paper Bag


You're holding something special.
A tasty treat. A thoughtful gift.
All inside a handy carrier.
Which becomes a lunch bag. A puppet.
A keep-it-new book cover.
A garden tool holder.
A "bring a few CDs over for dinner" carrier.
Unwrapped, it's a sketch pad. With handles.
So reuse it. Reincarnate it. Re-imagine it.
And when it's served its every purpose, recycle it.

